Tuesday 18 August 2020



Coach and Coachee may see the same thing but may think, feel and act very differently because of past experiences or assumptions. However it is not the past that is at issue, but the current effect. Coaching is recognising and updating old patterns with new patterns using a simple process: Scan/Awareness; Energy/Action; Contact; Resolution/closure; Withdrawal


Coach and Coachee may see the same thing but may think, feel and act very differently. The focus on hear-and-now and describing what is happening using the coachees words, meanings and experiences help us understand how they are perceiving and why they are acting.

Obviously they see things differently because of past experiences, bias, assumptions etc. However it is not the past that is at issue, but the current effect. The focus is on NOW. Typically the focus is on R-reality of the GROW model.

The emphasis therefore is to recognise and close any unfinished business, bottled-up feelings or avoidance but not to dwell on it, but instead use the new awareness to create a new and more constructive pattern. This is not therapy: Nobody is broken. This is recognising and updating old patterns with new patterns.

The circular & repeated steps and components are Scan/Awareness; Energy/Action; Contact; Resolution/closure; Withdrawal

Consultant Mentor Coach

Adapt Consulting Company
Consult CoCreate Deliver
@AdaptCCompany +447797762051

See also

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